Friday, January 15, 2021

America's New Religion: How This Election Has Exposed The Church (and Everyone Else)

I started writing this post on Thursday, January 7.  Originally, I was going to fuss for a few paragraphs about some people think are acting like President Trump is Christ-incarnate and post it on the 22nd.  

Then there was a big Trump tent revival meeting on Wednesday, January 6 that got real exciting real fast.  So now you lucky readers of mine get a post going in a fairly different direction being posted a week before planned.  Let’s dive right in, shall we?

I do not know what exactly transpired at the Capitol last week, how the protest progressed into a near-coup.  I do not trust a single news source to tell me what happened without forcing their agenda down my throat.  I agree that what happened Wednesday was violent and tragic. 

That being said, I am shocked America didn’t see this coming from a mile away.  

With all the tension that has built in this nation year after year, it only makes sense that such a volatile election would finally make people crack on both sides of the spectrum.  The 2020 election happened under a spotlight, and no one liked what they saw.    

This breaking of the floodgates isn’t about one election.  It’s about decades of government corruption in both parties and a system straying drastically from its original intent.  

As I watch the pot boil more vehemently closer and closer to Inauguration Day, events like Wednesday’s protest don’t surprise me.  In fact, a voice inside me says we had it coming.  

I do not condone senseless violence.  I do think America is overdue for a little shaking, and I hope recent events have opened at least a few people’s eyes. 

If there’s one thing the 2020 election has proven, it is that a new religion dominates the country: politics.  

Before any violence occurred on Capitol Hill, I was already appalled by what I saw on my feeds from believers, whether peers I barely knew or adults whom I looked up to as spiritual leaders.  As Joe Biden pulled closer and closer towards becoming President-elect, these people spoke as thought Trump was their Messiah being crucified before their eyes.  Some posted laments that made it sound like God was being rendered powerless by the presence of a Democrat in the Oval Office.  

Excuse my ignorance, but I did not realize God’s unlimited power hinged upon the success of the Republican party.  The irony of it all is that I do favor the values of the Republican party, and still, I can only shake my head at the behavior of others who adhere to the same.

It is high time the American church resets its priorities.  We have taken Jesus Christ off the throne of our lives and hung all our hopes on flawed men, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.  As I watch the church preach the love of Christ only to spew hatred at the other party and elevate conservative candidates to a level of almost deity, I finally understand why my generation is leaving the church as soon as they leave home.  

I know I am speaking harshly.  I know someone will read this and want to tell me that I am brushing Democratic corruption under the rug.  Don’t get me wrong, I agree that the government is corrupt and the election was rigged.  America is run by a bureaucratic 1%; I’d believe you if you said fraud play a role in every process by now.  We’ve elevated our nation to some high ideal, and we think it cannot fall from that like any other country. 

A lot people need to wake up, and those of us who profess Christ as Savior need to start.  We cannot call America an idolatrous nation when we treat Republican politicians like a god.

Only God is in control of this nation.  He has equal power over Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  What He wills for this nation, no politician from any party can stop or change.  It’s time for us to stop insulting Him by projecting our left or right-wing political affiliation on Him.

God will reign whether you are happy with the political climate or not.

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